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"Goddess" - X-men's Storm
"Goddess" - X-men's Storm
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"Memorium" - The X'men's Psylocke
"Memorium" - The X'men's Psylocke


"Memorium" - The X'men's Psylocke
Description: Originally I planned to produce an image of the early Psylocke from the X-men comics, but gradually that changed to producing two manips of Betsy then and her more recent incarnation (in the body of an Asian ninja). In the end though, the latter took over completely. (It was a lot easier to find pictures of women in leather than pink chifon. Go figure.)
A large number of pictures were used in the creation of this manip - The legs are Sarah Michelle Gellar's, the torso created from a number of leather tops. All in all it's a bit of a mix mash, the only 'complete ' element is the face of Hong Kong star Maggie Q as Psylocke's actress.
Date: 05.10.2006 13:51
Hits: 33974
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Rating: 1.26 (15 Vote(s))
File size: 129.4 KB
Added by: Angelophile

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"Mall Rat" - X-men's Jubilee  
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"Mirror Image" - New Mutants' Magik


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