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"Free" - The X-men's Angel
"Free" - The X-men's Angel


"Free" - The X-men's Angel
Description: A photomanip that sprung to mind for no particular reason other than it will get a few friends of mine swooning. :)

The actor Heath Ledger (of A Knight's Tale fame) seemed to have the right features and 'look' for Warren as I imagined him. His face was a basis for the manip. The body came from a random tailoring site, while the feet came from another image. The background was also found randomly on the web. The wings are an amalgamation of those worn by Alan Rickman in Dogma and some worn by Jennifer Lopez for a FHM photoshoot.
The image was compiled in Photoshop 7 and finished off using the Little Fluffy Clouds filter.
Date: 05.10.2006 13:44
Hits: 62426
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 130.2 KB
Added by: Angelophile

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"Goddess" - X-men's Storm


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